Jun 13, 2005 11:19
I got home on Thursday night from my trip and after everything my husband put me through by not paying bills, Offering my friend something she didn't want from him, ETC. I decided to seperate from him so I am staying with my family until Tuesday when he gets on a bus to South Carolina and leaves. I don't want to see him at all right now. While I was with my family I went to an Indian Pow-wow and I went and saw the movie Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. He also wrote me a contract that was totally bizarre. I am glad I have my family and friends to support me especially Targo (Snugs), Podo, (Snugs and french kisses) I love you all alot. I am now single again but I do have my eye on someone but I won't mention any names. I love you Targo and I know your special to me Podo. Talk to you all later. Chill Alaniagryphon