The Last Acceptable Form of Bullying

Apr 03, 2013 13:26

I never post on here anymore. I know. Today, though, something is really grinding my gears. It's actually been bothering me for awhile.

Why is it still acceptable to harass, bully, and tease people about the size and shape of their body? It's always viewed as something that person can control, and to a certain extent, I would agree. Your health is in your own hands, and mine in my own. But I've been both a person bullied for being "skin and bones" and for being "fat." Now that I'm older its more subtle.... Like "oh you should work out more, maybe you shouldn't eat those fries, you've put on weight" like I haven't noticed. When I was 90 pounds consistently when I was younger, I'd get teased for that too, even got accused of anorexia by my school, though at that time I ate the way people assume I do now.

Anyway, it's shitty. You know nothing of a person's genetics, health conditions, emotional state, or a thousand other reasons that one person is fat and another skinny. Also, look around and look at yourself. Can any of us say we are perfect?

Memes like these piss me off.

That is all.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

bullying, via ljapp, fat

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