Yes, even I, the Queen of Barking Laughter, had an 'emo' period in high school.
Of course, when I was in high school, there wasn't really any such thing as emo. I was 'goth'. But looking back at these pictures now.. oh yes, it was emo. EMOEMOEMO.
So without further ado...
Lani was emo. )
I've been meaning to scan these in for a while, and today was the perfect motivation.
Okay, maybe a little emo. Christ on a pogo stick, I was ugly.
This one's from far away, but it's one of my favorite photos of you because that's your beautiful smile. <3
Ew get Chris's arm off me in that last one plz thx, you ain't my pimp nyucka.
And you are NOT UGLY! >=(
Oh man I loved those shoes so much.. even when they didn't match at ALL I wore them.. they were my mothers :( They don't fit anymore, stupid big ol' feet XD
And that dress.. would probably fit me.. AS A TIGHT T-SHIRT LOLOZLZ
please to note that my ring is on my pinky finger because they made it too small for my sausage fingers and that was the only finger it fit on that day >_>
I'm not ugly NOW. I was back then.
Yeah, my feet are bigger than my mom's, too. But, I'm taller than her, so I'm happy. (Doesn't take much.) I don't think we ever got to a stage where we could share clothes, too--by the time I was roughly her size, we didn't live together anymore. Plus, she stopped wearing fun things as she got older. I don't think she even owns a pair of high heels anymore.
LOL the dress I'm wearing in those pics was too short for me THEN. I can't imagine how it would fit now. But I still fit into that sparkly red dress I wore for the Christmas show the first year I did chorus!
Please to note I'm holding out my hand even though I'm not wearing a ring. LIEK A MORAN.
LOL I think I was clearly displaying the fact that I was a giant re-re. But hey, whatever. I found some more classic photos this morning, but I didn't get to scan them in yet. I will, though, I will. <3
bark bark scan bark BARK BARK bark
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