Man, Levar Burton was such a hip kids show host. He changed with the times and he always wore cool clothes and stuff, and all the little kids must have looked up to him as the cool adult who plays with us. I mean sure he had to act goofy sometimes for the show, but he really managed to be the 'cool' kids show host. He rocked. Every little kid probably wanted to hang around him, because they felt he'd want to hang around with them. And that's what's really important to a little kid.
I was watching an episode of Reading Rainbow, in case you're wondering why I'm all aflutter over Levar here, but the episode, while still showcasing his awesomeness, had a really sad ending. They were showing the Vietnam Memorial Wall and he left a rose there and contemplated really hard while sad music played. What little kid would want to end their episode like that? It was sad. :( But he was still cool about it. And he had an earring. Oh man. That's cool.