I've been overwhelmed for the past ten days with construction trouble. I firmly believe that construction should be called destruction, as much more gets destroyed in the process. It's mostly the bathrooms, mostly the tile workers and the plumbers. The tiles had to be broken up four times, and the plumbing in one bathroom still leaks. That's after five attempt to make them right. Well, at least one bathroom is fixed now. The plumber told me yesterday that the plumbing is fine and that I am the problem because I want everything perfect. Is it too much to ask for a faucet that does not leak?
I swear I must've cleaned about a ton of dust in the past four weeks, mostly due to tiles and drywall work. The workers are so careless that they'd ruined already painted walls and other things. One crew blamed the other for mishaps and no one accepted responsibility. My brand new kitchen set is scratched and nicked.
Other work proceeded relatively fast, like the installation of the wood floors--though there's still glue on the floor) and the painting. Hopefully, the big things will be finished this week, though that was supposed to happen two weeks ago, so I'm not holding my breath. If I survive this, I'll cal it a win-win.
Here's a picture of my office with the bamboo floors and my new desk. The old one is 50 years old and I decided it wouldn't survive the move.