
Feb 03, 2006 12:56

Farias Kevin
Period. 5


Banner- a full width headline that spans across multiple newsletter style columns.

Clip art-prepared pictures and other artwork you can insert into a document.

Crop- to trim a graphic.

Desktop publishing- the process of using a computer to combine text and graphics to create an attractive document.

Drawing canvas- areas upon which you can deaw arrange and resize multiple shapes.

Drawing objects- artwork that you create using drawing tools.

Graphics- items other that text, including photos, clip art, and drawing objects.

Hard column break- a manual column break.

Sizing handles- small squares or circles surrounding a graphic or object indicating that it is selected.

Style- set formatting characteristics that you can apply to text tables and lists in you document.

teamplate- a file that contains formatting and text that you can customize to create a new document similar to buy slightly different from the original.

text box-boxes that contain text and can be resized and positioned like other drawing objects.

theme0 a consistent design with elements such as fonts graphics colors and background.

thumb nails- miniature picture of clip art.

True or false

1. When you create a document with columns you can format the documents heading text in a single column banner.
2. Drawing objects are predawn artwork ready to insert in a document.
3. When you size a graphic proportionally you change all the dimensions approximately equally.
4.you will find drawing tools on the formatting toolbar.
5. to insert an auto shape select auto shape on the tools menu.

Fill in the blank

1. The process of using a computer to combine text and graphics is called
2. are small squares on the border of a graphic that let you know it is selected.
3.qhwn you a graphic you remove a part of the graphic that you don’t want to show.
4. You can select a text wrapping option from the toolbar.
5. The helps you arrange and size your drawing objects.
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