OK, so...

Oct 25, 2011 21:22

I think I've been using this account only for comments. LiveJournal is not that popular around here for me to post all the time, but it's a fantastic place for finding fandom clubs you wouldn't find anywhere else (outside Japan, that is, I think). So this account stays, heh.

Also, it's pretty sad to be one of the only fans of something where you live. Oh well.

About my life? Pretty normal. I have a job, and in my free time, among other things, I have my anime to watch and manga to read and videogames to play and cosplays to make and wear. Normal, heh.

And now that I've seen the whole main storyline of Valkyria Chronicles 2 (after an year playing the game x_x), I hope my cosplay finally gets done.

Please visit my DeviantART for cosplay photos and a somewhat more active journal, if you want: http://alandria7.deviantart.com/

random, general, cosplay, game

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