Jun 08, 2004 23:04
i was once asked why do i like to write and yet you threw whatever you write away? well i like to write because poems is a way to express how you are feeling at any point and time. the same person asked me why are my short. i replied by telling them that it was a haiku.
i have had some bs happen to me and i just want to express my feeling on the issue. enjoy
I opened my heart
My chest of drawers. And a
poem came tumbling out.
Cherry blossom falls
Barren earth waits hungrily
Innocence is lost
Dont wanna
Don't wanna hear more
vain political pundits
flaunt ignorant views.
My life
Sleepless and alone.
Bored, restless, and grieving
lost passion and love.
not right
wrong choices
wrong habits
wrong lovers
damaged goods
Want to lose my mind.
Want to blow this popcorn stand.
Want to be with you.