Sep 12, 2004 20:16
Firstly, Driving test.
I can't beleive how well i drove, especially since i hate driving the way that they make you drive, i was so careful in everything, i was concentrating all the time, and when we got back to the test station i was so happy i thought i'd passed, i didn't, but i want to make it clear that i *am* happy that i did so well, it makes me feel better.
"unfortunately you havent passed this time, this is your first attempt i assume?". "no it's my third, you took my first one, 220quid so far" "oh.".
my instructor came over and he explained why i failed, "you werent reversing far enough on your multi-point turn (fair enough i stayed well away from the curb, last time i failed for touching it. i was about a foot away) so it took you 7 turns, when it could be done in 5" this is complete shit, there is no time limit, or limit on number of attempts, this is total shit. but the bitter pill, is how upset and sympathetic the basterd was, it was like id shoved a dildo down his throat when he found out this was my third attempt, my uncle thinks they are trying to reduce the pass rate to make more £££ since they are an independant organisation. he's has a serious drop in the number of his candidates who are passing, and it's pissing him of royally.
Gonna go in tomorrow with dad and try and get a re-test before the end of the week free of charge, the guy seemed upset that he was putting me through this shite, so hopefully i can play on that, ive heard lots of stories of people who have done it recently, been given a shit test and only had a 5minute re-test and passed, so we will see what happens.
FISHING! pissed of with me test, straight down the offy, i got served! 8 cans of kroney and i got served! well happy with that result, down the lake, got a nice 6lb common, rudely awoken by carls bite alarms, the jammy bugger had a 20lb common carp on his line and he was having lots of fun with his rod bent over double, got a sodding bream during the day, unhooked it in the water since they arent worth getting your gear slimey for, it then rolled over onto its back and played dead for a minute or so, which they do so well, then swam off, they are such stupid fish i hate them, carl decided it was time to show us how you fish the little lake (he was on the big one before, they are next to eachother) of course he casts in, turns around, and before he can sit down his alarm goes off and he gets a nice 12lb common, giving him the 2 best fish of the session out of 5 of us. i then had a horrible looking 7lb mirror, im sure it might be diseased which is shitty news, got a lot of photos and will take them down the farnham HQ tomorrow and see what they say, we already have 3 waters closed due to disease, complete tossers decide to release their goldfish and frogs into ponds to be "kind" without thinking of the consequences, we've lost 10,000 fish so far this year, its really upsetting when you see badly taken care of swims (places where you fish from) but the club has to pay millions to rectify the damage from people releasing fish, and not cleaning their gear after using it.
ive drivvled on long enough.