Jun 28, 2004 18:03
My knee is hurting more today after being really clickey over the weekend, Dr Lee has forwarded me to the hospital so should get a letter for an appointment from them in..... 4months?
She took one look at my rash and said "shingles!" i think she wanted a cookie for her diagnosis, but from what ive heard and read about it, including the stuff she printed of for me. its going to get more painful (which it is doing quite fantastically, yay biology) and then will blister beautifully, before fading away. possible leaving the pain for up to 2months:|
On the positive, i have some paracetomol/codeine mix painkillers which i am resisting taking, i don't like taking tablets:/ but i think i shall have to take one tonight if i expect to sleep (it starts on my back and goes round my hip onto my front, so the only possible sleeping position is on my right side. so my neck is stiff from sleeping like that.
Got a driving lesson 2moz, i hate driving lessons. a fun 2 hours of general boredom and trying to do things in the stupidest slowest way possible.
I'm trying to find something positive that's happened to put in here but i just can't think of anything, even though im not feeling too bad considering, guess just excited about starting apprenticeship on monday:)