I haven't posted in a couple of weeks!
I figured it was about time to post what's being going on since my last post.
As always, I have lots of pictures! Yay!
For one, April 25th was my 25th birthday. I'm starting to get old! Oh noes! I'm a quarter of a century old! :o
For my Birthday, of course, I spent the weekend at Kalika and Askalexial's house. And I even got a really awesome surprise! Kalika, being the awesome cook that she is, made me an Alana-cake! What's an Alana-cake? Well, this of course!
BEHOLD! The Alana-cake! She's very tasty :)
Thank you again, Kali! I couldn't have asked for a better cake for my birthday!!
I also graduated from Florida International University a few days later, with my Bachelor's in Art. I also signed up to become a substitute teacher for Miami-Dade Public Schools! I've even applied to be a substitute for a private school, which I subbed at last week for my first time ^_^; I still have no steady income. The substitute teaching was my first real work in the last 5 months. And the chances of anyone calling out and me getting called again are very slim for the rest of this school year. Nonetheless, I'm very excited about all of this!
Also, some time back, during spring break, me and my family went to the Miami Seaquarium and I forgot to post some pics I took there, so here they are!
This is a picture of a pro dolphin!
Sea lions touching women's asses O.O;....
A killer whale in all its glory! (click it to see it bigger!)
Last but not least, this one is for Sei, mostly. They had this displayed at the seaquarium for some reason. Lol.
Pterodactyl in da club gettin' tipseh~!
Fast forward to this weekend, Kali/Christina's birthday was May 8th, so we celebrated her birthday on Saturday. Her cousin and her cousin's boyfriend drove down from Northern Florida (somewhere!) to come visit her as a surprise. Aska surprised (tried to, at least) Kali by taking her to P.F. Changs for dinner and we spent lots of money eating this supposedly gourmet food. (Tasted like regular Chinese food to me, except that it cost like 80 times the price of a normal chinese restaurant. /shrugs.) Anyhow, here are some pictures from this weekend!
This is Kali sipping some drink at P.F.Changs
Here is Amby (Kali's cousin) on the left, with Sei/Christina on the right.
And finally, a few more random images I've taken in the past month or so!
Here is Eless, my other ferret. ^^ Never did get to post a picture of her before.
This is a picture of Aya sleeping on my bed. (This is the cat-hair-infested blanket I mentioned to you, Aska)
Here is the delicious food we enjoyed at an all you can eat japanese buffet on the weekend of my birthday. The play is called 'Shinju'.
This is a screenshot from Perfect World International. I crafted a top quality weapon, and of course, I had to take a screenshot of it :D
(3-Star is the highest amount of stars on any armor or weapon)
Last but not least, here are some pictures of .... feet. Me and my three best friends! XD
And that's all for tonight, folks :)
<3 x 99! Thank you to all who take the time to read my silly posts! Rawr!