Martial Arts Are Not Always Good For You...

Sep 26, 2008 20:05

...particularly when, while doing dive rolls, you fall on your head. Twice. And then you don't realize until the next day that you must have knocked yourself pretty hard, since the world is spinny and walking in a straight line is far too much a challenge.

After two hours in urgent care yesterday, several x-rays, and a visit to my chiropractor today, I am happy to report that I am not concussed, and not even terribly sore any more. I am, however, quite dizzy, and imagine that since walking is something of a trial, I probably will not be doing spinning crescent kicks next week.

The most disappointing part about all of this, since as long as I'm sitting or laying down I seem to be fine, is that I had to miss Common Shiner's New York City stop on their East Coast tour. They started their set about eight minutes ago. I am utterly bummed.

You'd think that this sort of thing would help me catch up on my freelance work, but no. I read comics, took a nap, and have gotten a chunk of the way into Armed and Magical by Lisa Shearin, and basically done nothing at all productive. There is still hope for the last few hours of my day, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

kempo, common shiner

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