Biography: In French! (and other writing news)

Jul 16, 2008 10:33

A fun thing happened while I was in Greece--I received an invitation to submit a biography to the French roleplaying site, GROG: Guide du Roliste Galactique. Of course, I was a bit busy to fill out their questionnaire at the time. Yesterday, I finally got back to the site editor and contributed my biography, which he has already translated and placed here. My photo will be up shortly as well. How fun is that?

(I've been instructed to encourage other game writers, artists, designers, etc. to contribute as well. If you're interested, shoot me a note at alanajoli at virgilandbeatrice dot com and I'll forward on the information!)

In other news, the senryu contest on finished up yesterday, so I'm expecting to start reading a lot of great Senryu in the next few days! I'm also working on another short story, which I should have started much earlier, in hopes of finishing it to my satisfaction in time to submit to the Lace and Blade volume 2 open call for Norilana books. I've been reading through the first volume and am very much enjoying the stories--so here's hoping mine will reach the bar that's been set. Given that I've now done a few stories on the Isle of Man, I thought I'd turn to Glastonbury, England, my favorite place in the whole world (despite hefty competition from Ephesus, Naxos, Port St. Erin, South Haven, MI, and the Thimbles). To start heading in the right direction, I've been reading The Avalonians by Patrick Benham, which tells the story of a group of young men and women involved in some of the physchical activities (including the finding of something like a holy grail) at the turn of the 20th Century. My short piece, which I'm calling "The Chalice Girl" for now, is only going to touch on that very tangentially, as it's also going to be part of a piece building into the universe of the Blackstone WIP. ("Don't Let Go" also takes place in that universe. Probably.)

That said, I'd better get back to it!, chalice girl, avalon, dont let go, greece and turkey trip, thimble islands, blackstone, glastonbury

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