Now that Departure: The Final Edit (subtitle is a joke, just to be clear) is in the hands of the fabulous Shawn Merwin, I'm trying to catch up on assorted other projects, including reading what everyone has been doing lately on their livejournals.
This is a particularly good one that I had previously missed from
amieroserotruck: A haiku review of Dragons of Autumn Twilight. It's just awesome.
In other news,
shanna_s has proposed January as an alternate NaNoWriMo month, as it has no holidays in it and you could even use novel writing as a resolution! She's still calling for folks who are interested to drop her a comment, and she may actually organize a whole support-group style community. Since I'm looking to start a novel after book three is done and my other current projects are wrapped up, this may indeed be a good way to stay inspired. Or get inspired. Either way.
So, now that novel two is handed off, what are my plans? Well, novel three should be in progress more than it is (I do have ten pages, but then took a break to go back to editing, which was perhaps Not My Best Plan). I also have contributions to get done for a pantheon book for White Silver, a reference assignment, and my last issue of Literature Community News. They've discontinued the newsletter next year, so Arielle Kesweder (co-owner of Virgil & Beatrice with me) and I are considering doing something similar on our currently sort of abandoned Web site. The idea is to post news, reviews, and stuff librarians and booksellers can use. We'll see what it eventually becomes (or if it, like our last efforts to post regular reviews, falls by the wayside).
I'll definitely keep things posted here when that eventually comes about!