I've been busy working on the Tam Lin short story (tentatively titled "Don't Let Go") over here, and so don't have much to blog about (although I did recently visit a bookstore and followed
blue_succubus's example of photographing a display for a fellow blogger, whom I will post about when I have a cord that connects my camera phone to my computer). As you may have noticed, there was no guest blog yesterday; next week, if I still don't have a new one (there are several writers out there who have promised me entries, but I'm not sure when they'll come--writers are busy people, after all), I'll post a bit of Campbell or Tolkien, excerpting something about myth from one of their works, so that I don't entirely lose momentum.
In the mean time, there have been some great articles showing up about what makes a Young Adult novel in the YA category, one from
Publishers Weekly featuring Sherman Alexie, and the other from Mirrorstone editor
Stacy Whitman. Also courtesy
slwhitman comes a new John Scalzi
Whatever entry on the YA vs. the adult market. These were all interesting to me, so I thought I'd share them.
And now, back to the Isle of Man.