Call for Guest Entries and Creating Monsters

Apr 10, 2008 23:13

First, business. Tomorrow is the last guest entry I have stashed away. I've been able to secure quite a number in advance up until this point, but at last, I'll be running out. If you read this blog and are interested in writing a short piece about either the importance of mythology in your writing, how mythology impacts your writing, how you go about creating a mythology or cosmology in your fiction, or how you adapt myths and folklore to make them work in your story, please let me know. You can contact me via this post, or through alanajoli at virgilandbeatrice dot com. (And if any of you fangs_fur_fey members would be willing to post about this over there, I'd be mighty grateful!)

In other news, I officially created my first new d20 creature today, just months before d20 is no longer relevant. It's not even a true monster--just an adjusted creature based on stats and templates that already exist. Despite this, I'm excited about the new creatures, particularly since my editor has given me the go ahead on it in advance. We'll see how my playtesters react on Saturday!

Speaking of Saturday, I have officially been asked to pick up books by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (jenlyn_b) for the youth services department of our library at her local signing. She'll be at the Borders in Milford, CT (for those of you who are also local) from 2 to 4. I usually work until 3:30, so I thought I'd miss it, but my manager agreed to let me shift my schedule earlier in order to make the event. Hurrah! Perhaps if I am clever enough, I will take photographs and post them here, like blue_succubus and mdhenry are wont to do.

Last random thought for the day: (who is not the friend of small presses right now, so I'm a little torn about advertising for them) is holding a contest for a trip for two to London to "visit" The Tales of Beedle the Bard, J. K. Rowling's hand-written book. There are three essay-type questions that must be answered in 100 words or less. Finalists in the two age categories get $1000 in amazon gift cards. Not bad for 100 words or less.

jennifer lynn barnes, amazon, library, xen'drik, writing

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