Con Funk and Cowboys and Aliens Forums

Dec 18, 2007 11:51

I'm a victim of the Con Funk. At this point, I should know that it takes me at least a full day (in this case, two) to recover from a weekend convention, because my immune system is run down from lack of proper sleep, and I've been in a large room with a lot of people, several of whom are suffering from colds. So I'm all sorts of run down and incoherent, which is not great for my upcoming deadline...

Aside from that Anonycon was great. It's a wonderful small gaming convention in Southwestern CT that happens in early-to-mid December every year. Of the slots, I played two, ran two, and slept through two. I did my first DM's Mark--which is a cross between a home campaign and a living campaign in some ways. You used the organized play structure, but you create your own adventure for your players. Of course, since it was at a con, there was far less tailoring, but I got to use some fun monsters and my table had a good time.

Since returning, the only think I've actually gotten done was writing up a page of bonus content for Cowboys and Aliens II, for which I really need to get several more done, and a forum entry at Drunk Duck about language use in the Old West, Westerns, and space Westerns. I think it's a nice little post, and if you're at all interested in the way I'm writing dialogue at C&A, I hope you'll give it a look!

Now, back to deadline.

cowboys and aliens, comics, cons

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