So, the WGA has organized something brilliant for the fans to do. Some of you may have heard about how fans sent nuts to producers to keep Jericho on television. The folks at United Hollywood developed a similar plan: send pencils to the producers in support of the strike. Joss wrote about it
here, and you can get your pencils from
United Hollywood here. They're environmentally friendly pencils, no less, and these folks are coordinating the effort to have an overflow of pencils (much like the potatoes that Murphy Brown dumped on Dan Quayle's lawn, if you remember that far back in TV history).
In other news, Tokyopop is doing some brilliant marketing: they're running a contest to advertise their Tokyopop TV, which puts some of their manga into flash. In this contest, they're asking all of their readers to post certain clips of episodes on their blogs, MySpace pages--anywhere that it can be seen by the public. So they're enlisting the fans (much like the WGA above) to get the word out. The clips look like this:
Click to view
Now, there are two ways to read the fact that I, too, am posting one of these clips. One is that I have been taken in by Tokyopop's clever marketing (which isn't entirely untrue: they are offering a Wii as a top prize, and I'd love one of those machines). But it's also true that I'm fascinated by viral marketing, and thus must blog about it. And with that, I'm back to work.