Or not so triumphant...

Aug 01, 2007 10:55

So, when I said Triumphant Return, that was with the expectation that I'd actually be back online, posting on my blog, and things would get back to normal. As you may have noticed... not so much. I have, both fortunately and unfortunately, had plenty keeping me busy (one of which was playing several D&D games from the Xen'drik expeditions campaign before they expire--so it's not all hard work over here). Between sailing lessons, beach trips, the new job, and my ongoing assignments, it's been one busy July.

One little bit of news I haven't posted here: I will, unfortunately, not be making it to GenCon. Regaining Home has been delayed and won't be releasing there, either, but you can find both of the first two books, as well as several RPG supplements I've been involved with, at the WhiteSilver booth in the dealer's hall.

The other bit of news gets its own special post, which will be up in, oh, two minutes. :)

regaining home, xen'drik, gencon

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