Tight schedule this week due to deadlines, so I won't be writing much. Quick notes:
* Cowboys and Aliens, volume 1 (the first team) went up to number 1 on the DrunkDuck.com comics site after it was announced that there's a movie deal in the makings. I don't know much more about it than that, but it bodes well for our sequel when we start posting!
* Common Shiner got
interviewed. New CD comes out on August 10th!
* I visited the shoreline off of Tuxis Island, which was supposedly created by the mud that fell from the giant Tuxis's feet as he ran out into the sea. Connecticut used to be the land of giants. I think *that* needs to be what the Hobbomock story deals with, instead of trying to integrate the Tuatha de Danan. We'll see.
* The Living Kingdoms of Kalamar staff (sans me--I retired on June 1) is making their way out to Origins this weekend. I edited one of the premieres, so I'm psyched to hear how it goes. (I also co-wrote one of the GenCon premieres, but I'll have to wait to hear how that one goes.)
* Helpful people told me I need to change my theme in order to get the nifty tag clouds, so that's a project for once my deadlines are behind me. Another couple of people left me links in my comments that I haven't had the chance to follow up on--but I'm very eager to do so! If only I would remember to schedule holidays when I'm planning my work load.
That's it for today! I'll be back next week at the latest!