Some of the projects that I've worked on seem to vanish. A couple of anthology short stories I've written seem to have vanished; Ransom was only on contract to be sold for a year before all rights reverted to the authors. New copies of my novels are nearly impossible to find (though used copies usually turn up at the usual online suspects). For a long time, it looked like Steampunk Musha was another one of those great projects that was lost to time.
Happily, Rick Hershey of
Empty Room Studios is in the process of bringing Steampunk Musha back into the world in the Pathfinder rules system with the help of Fat Goblin Games. They've started a Kickstarter to bring us back Rosuto Shima back into the world, and I'm really hopeful that this means there will be more Steampunk for everyone! You can read the thread here at
Enworld, or just check out the
Kickstarter page yourself.
Edit: I cannot for the life of me get the widget to embed. Advice from lj users with expertise would be appreciated!
The fundraiser is going until the end of May, and between now and then, as the drive picks up speed, I'll be posting some notes from the character design I did for the setting -- and the comic Rick and I were working on, for which he did some gorgeous art no longer to be found on my hard-drive, sadly -- so you can get a peek into the world Rick created and the characters I designed. Stay tuned!