New review and fun news

Mar 18, 2007 14:56

Just had a new review posted over at the Tangled Muse forums (which are related to Empty Room Studios, Baeg Tobar, and new forum partner Bean Leaf Studios). There's a lot of fun stuff going on over there, including this review of Into the Reach by Daniel Taylor Gooden.

(Daniel is the writer of the Baeg Tobar online novel The Unmade Man. At the bottom of the review is a link to his homepage, where he has a lot of great short fiction posted.)

A big thanks needs to go to everyone who advised me to expand the villains in Into the Reach (which includes my publisher, editor, and first reader: Arielle Kesweder), because at least two of the reviews I've gotten have mentioned Mordyss and been very complimentary about his development. This is where I say it: You guys were right. Thanks!


Quick question for the other writers out there: Do you sometimes find that one of the characters you weren't as interested in either really needs to be expanded during the editing process, or is one of the favorite characters of your readers?


In other fun news, Julie Kenner added me as a MySpace friend, which is exceedingly nifty. I may have added her first, but I honestly don't remember. Either way, it was exciting to find her on my pending list! (Julie Kenner is the author of Carpe Demon, a novel about a demon-hunting soccer mom, and its sequel, California Demon. Must reads for Buffy fans!)

Speaking of Buffy, I got my copy of Season 8 #1 at one of the local comic shops yesterday. They still had a stack of them, so if you haven't found your copy yet and you're in New England, try New Haven's Alternate Universe.

I'm still catching up on livejournal, but actually met a couple of deadlines, so I'm feeling a lot more in control of my whole schedule. I don't expect this feeling to last... but I can hope!

comics, baeg tobar, daniel tyler gooden, into the reach, buffy

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