I've been putting this off for awhile, but I've been getting quite a lot of spam and other anonymous screened comments lately, so I've decided that, since you can log into lj with facebook and twitter as well as a livejournal account, I'm going to no longer take anonymous comments. This is a shame, because I've gotten some really good anonymous comments in the past from users who just don't do the lj thing. I'm hoping with the multiple log-in options, I won't be losing too many opportunities to enhance journal conversations while I'll also be eliminating the spam.
In other news, my
Q&A for the week is about the Branford Green in particular, but I'm expanding the answer to explore something of the history of village greens in general. I know there are some history buffs that read this journal -- if you've got information on the tradition of the village green and where the concept started, I'd love to have you post here or over at
Patch! I've got some resources waiting for me at the library as well, of course, but the column ends up being a lot about getting history from people as well as books, so I'm always happy to add a personal touch!