For a change, I'm actually the guest blogger instead of the blog hostee!
lbickle was kind enough to offer me a little space on not one, but three of her blogs! You can find my little piece on writing in other people's worlds
here at Laura's main blog or at her
Alayna Williams blog. I should have several more spots coming up soon -- I may have a couple of podcasts upcoming, along with an interview conducted by editor extraordinaire, Shawn Merwin. Hurrah for celebrating the e-book release!
I also now have a
facebook fan page where I'll be linking to all of these crazy guest blogs and interviews and such.
A thought for the day: I've discovered that when I pick up a book and expect not to like it, and then end up discovering that I really do enjoy it, I like it more than I would have if I'd thought I was going to love it. Conversely, when I pick up a book I expect to like, and I don't, I'm even more disappointed and feel more dislike than I might have with no expectations.