February's almost gone...

Feb 27, 2011 22:04

...and so is much of our snow. Rain and warmth over the last few days have created a large brown patch in the back yard. Looks like we missed our best opportunities to take Bug sledding!

I had things to write about last week, but I've completely forgotten what they were. This seems to be about par for the course for me lately. So I'll just mention that we had our Norse Saga game today, which took place in Nottingham and involved a rebel faction trying to stop their friends from being hanged. There were plenty of jokes about doing things like dressing up like a stork to win the archery competition, referencing my favorite version of Robin Hood (yup, the Disney foxes version -- I grew up on Eroll Flynn, too, but the Disney characters have a special place in my heart).

Other fun thing: I needed an NPC who wasn't one of the usual band of merry men to interact with my PCs, so I drafted another historical figure: my ancestor, Isabel Brewer. Despite the fact that her life was several generations after when our game takes place (we're pre-Norman invasion of Britain in my game, so well before the normal Robin Hood story), I thought, well, if we're playing with the Robin Hood cast, we might as well use one of the historical possibilities for the Sheriff of Nottingham. William Brewer, Isabel's father, is (of course) also one of my ancestors.

One day I'd like to write a story about Isabel, probably a Robin Hood tale given her historical context. And I'd like to picture her as one of the women who ran with the Merry Men. I probably would not cast her as a thief, which was how I played her for the D&D game, since I needed her to help the PCs sneak around Nottingham under her father's nose. :)

4e norse saga, personal

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