SO I WAS LOOKING AT ANOTHER TF FORUM and reading their discussion about the season 2 finale.
A lot of people want Chickscream to be named
Nightbird, which would indeed be a nifty and appropriate name for her, what with the chickness and the badass and the Megatron probably preferring her over Original Flavor at this point. XD
A lot of people haven't watched "Enter the Nightbird" in too long, though, and want her name to be Bombshell...
who is also an awesome character, but happens to be both male-identifying and a weevil and, y'know, was also in that episode to plant a mind-control thingy in Nightbird. THIS IS NOT THE NAME YOU ARE LOOKING FOR, GUYS. XD
Especially since I'm holding out some hope for at least one Insecticon in Animated, mated. XD;;