Every time LJ fucks something up (which is often) I hear people talking about moving to Dreamwidth. But I'm not on LJ because it's a worthwhile site, I'm here because the people and comms I know are here.
It's like DW is Canada. It would be nicer if I moved but there's no one to talk to.
I've made up one for myself at Dreamwidth and I'll probably make up some for my more frequent characters (Badd, Carter, Alice, Hermes). If they get an ersatz memebells I'll have somewhere new to play.
It's like DW is Canada. It would be nicer if I moved but there's no one to talk to.
That said, I'm thinking it might be a good idea to make a backup journal somewhere else while all this BS is going on...
(also hi Alana /is Ginga who is too lazy to switch to Byrne or her own account 8D;)
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