Cath post day!

Aug 06, 2006 01:03

I got two things in the post today I expected; Contact Lenses and stuff from Natwest, and two things I did not expect; Final Fantasy 7 playstation version and a wonderful surprise from hikaruchi.

I had only bought FF7 late on Thursday night and I got an email saying it would be dispatched on the 7th, so you can imagine how surprised I was that it came through on the 5th, lol. Tis all good of course and I've played it a fair bit today (last bit was beating Reno in sector 7). Oh and I decided to get my own copy for the PS cos the PC version I borrowed off my brother kept glitching with the limit breaks and stuff, bah. Means I can play it when I want now, hee~

I was pleasantly surprised at my mail from 'Karu, was not expecting anything at all. She drew me the most gorgeous Reno and Cloud art, two pieces of it in fact. Plus a nice letter to go with it. I am truly in awe and complete and utter love with the piccies. Thankies sooooooo much, 'Karu. I love both drawings to bits!

And on that note, I am off to read FF7 fanfiction, lol.

playstation, cloud, post, ff7, fanfiction, 'karu drawings, reno

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