I want a sequel!!

May 06, 2006 00:00

Ok, so tonight I caved and watched the last three eps of Hana Yori Dango. I was gonna just watch one and save the last two but I just couldn't *wails* It was sooooooooo good!! I seriously seriously need a sequel!! *squees* So um...time to do a spoiler cut so I don't spoil the ending for anyone that hasn't seen it but definitely should! *subtly demands*

Okay, right so the last 3 episodes. The bits that most deserve mentioning are: (cos it would take me forever if I analysed all the bits I liked cos hell I loved it all)

F4 having a punch-up - Love love love! They were all so cute! I think the best bit was when they all collapsed on each other at the end of the fight. F4 love!!! <3333

Rui saving Tsukushi from the bad underground people - Rui is love, clearly, and he is extremely badass in this bit. Oh and Tsukushi giving that one guy a last bat to the head with her bag was also great! *sniggers*

Deciding the other finalist at the ToJ with Janken - Classic!! Janken rocks and I just laughed my arse off. Awesome!!

When Tsukushi plays with the kids at ToJ - Sooooooo cute! I loved the parallel made between the 4 kids and the F4 and Tsukushi's way of dealing with them. Plus the kids were so adorable when they said they liked them both. Too Cute!

When Shizuka returned to spend Christmas with Rui - I literally cheered cos I was worried he would end up with nobody and it was enough to make me tear up *loves Shun waaaay too much*. It was a great moment and Rui's smile!! *_*

Tuskasa and Tsukushi finally kiss - I was waiting and waiting and waiting and it finally happened and I squeed and cheered and teared up and stuff. They are soooo cute! Such a nice setting by the private jet and all. Love!!

Oh and one last thing and I can't believe I didn't see this before, the F4 fangirls are scarily similar to the Yuki fangirls in Fruits Basket. I'm surprised they didn't burst into a cheerleader esq. song and dance XD

So to sum up, the series is awesome and I want a sequel!!! (they could easily do one set 3 years later when Tsukasa returns from New York...>.>)

So before watching the rest of HYD today I got up at midday and met Carmel down at the park at 1:30pm. We spent a couple of hours sunbathing, chatting, listening to music and eating ice-cream. Then we met Catherine and went to the Footage and had a few drinks, chatted more and had some food. Was generally a really good afternoon. We all headed our seperate ways about 6pm and I dragged myself to the supermarket for essential food items, lol. Spent the rest of the evening watching HYD and chatting on the phone to people.

Tomorrow is the Comic, Card and Sci-Fi mart at the Sachas Hotel, so Carmel, AK and I are going along to see if there's anything worth buying. Should be fun!

Until tomorrow, ja ne! ^__^

sunbathing, pub, ice-cream, hyd

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