So um... yeah, Christmas entry. Mostly gonna be photos cause I can't be arsed to type that much.
We had a good Christmas. Mostly pretty quiet. I never even left the house, which is pretty bad, but meh. We ate loads, exchanged nice gifts, watched lots of telly, read a load of fic (well I did, lol), and groaned over the rubbish Boxing Day footie. Oh and it was my mum, Adrian, my brothers (Matthew and Henry), and me. 5 makes a good number, I think. Oh and of course the cats (Pumpkin and Gobbolino), Dagger the hamster, Monty the tortoise, and the hens (Queen Linda, Lady Gaga, Emmeline Pankhurst, and Lily Langtree).
Our Christmas tree, which I decorated single-handedly:
Mum moaned about the lack of tinsel but I told her we were all grown-ups now (well Henry nearly is) and that we needed a more grown-up tree, and also that tinsel is tacky, loool.
My darling brothers:
They'd kill me if they knew I was including this photo but I thought it was hilarious, hahaha.
We had pretty posh crackers this year (from John Lewis). I got a mini chess set in my one:
Shame I can't play chess to save my life... >.>
Present opening was done well into Christmas Day. We had lunch first, so it must have been mid-afternoon (but, like I said, we're all grown-ups now, loool). I'll put up some photos of my haul in a minute, but first, a couple of adorable photos of Gobbolino opening and playing with his present:
I <3 my kitty, hehe. (Pumpkin wasn't interested in her present in the slightest - typical).
So! My haul!
I wrote a list out for mum and she followed it to a tee:
Also asked for and got Adele's 21 album but I forgot to take a photo, haha. Mum also got me this:
Which will definitely make
duskyblueskies smile if she sees this. Will never forget my stupidity over these tea strainers in Gothenburg earlier this year, haha ^^;
Henry got me this:
And this:
Bless him! I needed both badly (my fiction writing sucks and my last LFC mug developed a leak).
And I got a few other bits and pieces and a load of chocolate. Am a very pleased and lucky girl. Though I'm hoping that my number one present will be a better 2012 than 2011, tbh. One can hope.
Anyways, that took even longer to do than I thought it would. We're going to London dead early tomorow to see my Great Aunt and Uncle, who I haven't seen since February 2009. So it'll be lovely to see them. So's I'm gonna read some more fic (cause I can!) and then get an early night :)