So...I didn't die in my sleep after my last entry. I actually felt much better the next day. Bizarro, I know, but who am I to question my body and what it decides it wants to do? Lolol. Nah, I've been busy, hence why I've not updated in a few days.
Wednesday morning they installed our new Sky box and now I have Sky TV in my bedroom. Whoop! We also have a Sky+HD box in the living room. Sky+, where have you been all my life? I am soooo so down with getting to pause/rewind/fast forward live telly. Brilliant! Plus we have the terrestial channels in HD. The proms in HD was actually really impressive (was laughing at the shiny noses, lol).
I missed the England match on Wednesday 'cause I was at work. Boo. But I made use of Sky+ for the first time! And finally got around to flicking through it and watching the -important- parts of the game yesterday. Stevie G's goals were amazing!! Would love a repeat of at least one of those tomorrow, Stevie, kthx.
Friday was the 'supposed-to-be' big visit at work. But due to illnesses and such, it was just our Area and Regional managers that came. The latter of which hadn't been in for a while, so it was still quite a big deal. But we got A+++! And so we should, after all our hard work and cleaning, etc. lol. We also had a staff buffet funded from the social fund as a reward. Karen cooked some of her famous ham, which is really nice! And we had other assorted posh nosh from M&S, lol. I ate so much! Hahaha.
And today mum, Adrian and I went to Tatton Park for a walk and I spent most the time checking my phone to keep up with the footie happenings ^^; Man City and Tottenham drew! Hooray. Not so happy with the Villa and Chelsea wins though. But well done Blackpool! What a start for them!
Then tonight I watched 17 Again and omg! Actually a really brilliant film! I kinda, sorta found Zac Efron attractive in it ^^; He's only like 2 years younger than me sort of feels like cradle snatching 'cause I think of him as younger, lol. But he has a really nice smile! ^^; But the real star was geeky best friend Ned. Omg! The lightsabre battle! Amazing! He makes the film, for sure, haha.
And now I turn to most important matters. Tomorrow afternoon is:
Oh my freakin' god! So pumped up for this game. What a curtan raiser for us this season. It's made even bigger by the fact that Chelsea won 6-0 today. We have to compete. We. Have. To. God, I want Liverpool to do well so badly. I am basically gonna be pissing my pants all the way through, but despite that, I am looking forward to it 100%.
Come on boys!