Obligatory Halloween entry

Nov 02, 2008 20:35

And I'm back with my Halloween entry!

Mum made sure she fed Ria and myself up before we left, as she likes to do with me all the time *rolls eyes* So we had burgers and sausages and stuff. Then it was a rush to get costumes and make-up on. It took me ages to white out my face, but it did look pretty good in the end, much better than last year.

As soon as we were ready, we caught the bus and made a quick stop at Carmel, Jenny and Louise's house. From there we all made our way to Hirra, Anna, Laura and Nadja's house. The alcohol was brought out, along with the orange cupcakes and the Dark Knight edition Reece's peanut butter cups I'd bought. Halloween tunes were played and um...that JoBro video about 6 times in a row XDD Then we headed off to Jillys in two taxis at like 12:45am, lolol.

Because we got out so late, we queued up outside Jillys for about 45 minutes! We nearly gave up but eventually we got in. It was packed!! I've never seen Jillys so packed out before. Even the Punk/Emo room was packed out, lolol. We didn't actually stay that long though. We left at like 3:30am and got a taxi home 'cause we were knackered, heh.

Anyways, boring bit over. Photo time!!

This is moi:

Don't I look dead lovely? XDD

Inside Hirra et al's house:

Group outside in the freezing cold Manchester night:

Louise putting my hair into school pigtails, hehe:

But yes, that is me up to date. Ria went home last night and I caught up with Supernatural and me soaps. Another week of work starts tomorrow, oh the joy. I am dreading each week more on more the closer we get to Christmas D: Not sure how to spend the rest of my evening. Either read or write some fic. Not done either in oh so long now *sniffs*

jillys, photos, ria, zombies, supernatural, halloween

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