So I spent the whole day (practically, like 6 of my 8 hours) sorting out the History books. They were in such a state! Bloody WW1 books shoved in WWII and vice versa. And don't get me started on the special forces/current affairs sections. Are people just fucking stupid?? /Rant.
Work was pretty okay though. Much calmer than yesterday. I was like a zombie by 6pm yesterday. God, there was just so much to do, 'cause we moved whole sections about ready for Christmas. There weren't even as many customers as usual in today. I didn't go on till once! I guess people just didn't feel inspired to go shopping 'cause of all the rain, lol.
Tonight I was meant to be having a load of people over again, but it turned out to just be Jenny and Louise, which was perfectly good. We had pancakes! Savoury ones with cheese sauce in first and then sweet ones with sugar, lemon/bluberries afterwards. Was good!
Oh! and we saw this on TV:
Click to view
and Jenny and I thought it was fucking hilarious! I actually couldn't sotp giggling. Oh ILY Captain Jack, ahaha.
Oh and I don't think I've mentioned this in here yet...