Jun 09, 2008 23:51
I'm back in Norfolk. It sucks ass. I wanna be back in Manchester so bad. I really felt it Saturday evening when I realised I could have been at the Say Anything gig in Academy 3, bah :/ The only thing that makes it better is that Henry clearly loves having me here. I can be unhappy in my location for his sake, at least for the 2 weeks I have to be here, lol.
Yesterday Henry and I went walking over the back fields and randomly ended up in Lessingham, so walked back along the main roads. Was maybe a 4 mile walk, so pretty good. We plan to walk to the beach next Sunday, so that'll be a 5 mile round trip, lol. He wants to take a picnic, bless him. I love that he's not your typical 14 year old boy. He really loves just doing simple, outdoor type stuff, heh.
Today I got up bright and early (6am) to make sure Henry got up and on his school bus. Then I went back to bed for a couple of hours XD I walked to Stalham and back after lunchtime Neighbours, 'cause I had to get some stuff from Tesco. Urgh, it was sooo hot today, and I didn't realise just how hot, so ended up walking 2 miles in black jeans and a short sleeved shirt >.< I survived it though, then watched some anime until Henry got home. We ate dinner while watching Holland v Italy - very good match, well done Holland! lol.
Gotta get up at stupid o'clock again tomorrow, but I think it's actually too hot to go to sleep just now, urgh. I bet the temperatures here are nearly as high as they are in Cyprus; Mum and Adrian might as well have just stayed here, hah.
Oh wells, I might try and write some fic for half an hour and then go sleep, heh :)
hot weather,