Walking in -4 degrees without a coat is bad

Feb 17, 2008 16:52

As a follow up to my early morning (7:45am, lol) entry earlier...

...apparently it was -4 degrees when Taylor and I were walking back from Peter's. No wonder I was freakin' cold! All I had on was jeans, converse, little black top, thin black hoodie and a scarf. If I end up with like pneumonia or something (I dunno if that works as a delayed onset type thing?) I blame uh...global warming messing up our temperatures (it was May temperatures just a couple of days ago!). So yeah, we walked for what? 30-35 mins in those artic temperatures, brrr.

Anyways, that said, it was a pretty good night. Carmel and I went to Font Bar first as Rachel was out celebrating her birthday. Had like 4 cocktails in there, wore tiaras and took photos (though badly as the flash on my camera makes the photo come out terribly if you're too close). Then at 10 ish we left to catch the bus up to Peter's, stopping in Tesco on the way for sweets and vodka. Where we basically spent the entire night (10:30pm 'till uh...7am) drinking (including lethal, revolting Absinthe :/), eating junk, taking photos, whacking each other with a yellow feather duster, blocking up the stairs, and playing Super Smash Bros. on the N64 (ooh retro). Then Taylor and I decided to walk back to Didsbury at 7am this morning, 'cause the lure of our own beds was better than their living room floor, lol.

The photos are up on my facebook. Some are sort of scary (Alex in bunches, haha). Also, depsite all that drinking, I don't feel even remotely hungover. I'm assuming the staying up all night and then walking in -4 degrees for over half an hour has something to do with that, or maybe it's delayed onset and I'll feel hungover later tonight *shrugs*

Anyways, gonna go read some fanfic now, hee~

rachel's bday, cold

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