So, yesterday was Laura's Halloween party. It was pretty good. Full of drama, of course. I shan't go into it too much but it involved music wars and um...devils with no trousers on, ahah. There was also a 'fire in a can' going on in the back garden. We roasted marshmellows and shrieked when sparks and flames got too close for comfort, hah. We also ate little orange Halloween cakes and gingerbread men.
I took a few photos (read: hardly any, as usual), so I'll put up the very few I have, but I'll put them under a cut to save your friend pages, heh.
Naomi, Dorian and myself at mine before we left for the party - a full body shot :)
Naomi, Dorian and me once again, closer up (mum went mad taking photos of us before we left, lol)
Nat and Cez in their awesome dinnerlady costumes. I shall definitely be having nightmares about Nat's bloody knife, heh.
Naomi and Dorian being the awesome 'emo cyborgs' (Dorian's words, not mine, hah)
Dorian and Laura, our ever awesome hostess :D
So yeah, great party! I really should have taken more photos but I am just crap at taking my camera out and using it, lol. Oh and my fangs stayed in my mouth for about an hour, which I thought was really good cos they were stuck in with bright pink polygrip that tasted horrible. Was like being at the dentist when mum put 'em in for me, bleh. They did look pretty realistic though; the photos don't do them justice, lol.
Well that'll totally do, gonna go see if there's any fic to read. I think I'm too tired to write any of my own, lol.