Oct 02, 2007 22:38
So I went kickboxing tonight since they cancelled The Hoosiers gig. I really wish I'd just stayed home and watched some anime or something. We had a different instructor tonight and he really battered us with the warm-up. So much so that I had to run out to the toilets cos I thought I was gonna be sick. I wasn't but was pretty close. I felt shaky and dizzy for the rest of the session afterwards, probably shouldn't have carried on really.
We did simple kung fu blocks and stuff for the rest of the session, including conditioning, which involved toughening up our forearms. I will be lucky if I can write in my lecture tomorrow. We were basically slamming our forearms together, which left bright red patches on them and canned like hell. I do wonder why we voluntarily go and hurt ourselves like that *sighs* must just all be masochists or something.
Anyways, as a result I feel like utter shite now. I've got a headache and my limbs all feel like dead weights and I just feel so damn tired. Will definitely be going to bed soon. Just having my nightly cuppa tea, heh. Was really embarassing running out of the session like that too; never done it before (though there have ben times when I nearly have).
Urgh, anyway, just feeling rather pitiful right now. Watching another couple Supernatural episodes cheered me up a little bit. I really love Dean, more and more with each episode. Eww, but the Bugs episode was disgusting. I really hate bugs even more now.
Gonna check the flist now and then probably sleep. Feel like I've run a couple of marathons or something :/