Losing Precious

Jul 29, 2008 14:47

You know how you always tell yourself that you'll be prepared when one of your pets dies? I mean, most animals do not have a lifespan as long as we humans, so it's only natural that we will endure the loss of multiple pets over our lifetime.

Yet no matter how much you tell yourself to be prepared for that eventuality, it still hurts like a bitch.

My sister lost her Precious yesterday. Ironically it was her birthday, if you can believe that. She was eight years old.

This was the greatest cat in the history of cats. She played with people like we were a constant source of entertainment. Tag, hide-n-seek, fetch, you name it and she probably did it. This kitty thought the sun rose and set on my sister, which is why she's taking it as hard as she is. I'm taking nearly as hard, because there were few people in the world Precious loved and I was one of them.

We buried her with one of her favorite things in this world: a milk tie. You know, those plastic bands you peel off a plastic milk jug so you know it's sealed? She absolutely adored those things. Would play with them until she was exhausted.

She was the greatest. I suspect, like most great animals people know, I'll miss her the rest of my life.

RIP, Nook. We love you.
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