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Dec 01, 2008 01:04

A belated Happy Thanksgiving to all those who saw fit to participate in Thursday’s festival of gluttony. Shirley Schmidt was kind enough to throw wide the doors to her home and welcome a-I’m not sure what the term of venery is for a group of lawyers, so I’ll appropriate that of our closest relative-shiver of attorneys to her table. I spent the better part of the day nibbling on succulent turkey and gorging myself on candied yams, and the worse part suffering the egregious violation of my bodily integrity by one Melvin Palmer.

I’m very glad to have done so.

My legal career has always been a follow-the-bouncing-ball sort of affair-or perhaps, more accurately, a follow-the-wrecking-ball sort of affair-and when I was hired at Crane, Poole & Schmidt, I didn’t expect to last a year, much less six. I certainly didn’t expect to find myself...I sometimes (all right, often) lose sight of how fortunate I am.

I’m thankful that I’m able to work with a number of passionate, intelligent, talented people, many of whom inexplicably permit me to call them “friend.” I’m thankful to work at-to be a part of-a place that, for all its shortcomings, does occasionally aspire to loftier goals than turning a buck. I’m thankful that place has a balcony.

I’m thankful to belong somewhere.

Even if that somewhere may not be around much longer.
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