the return

Jan 19, 2010 00:39

 well, i spent almost the whole weekend sleeping and i think i have finally defeated the annoying cold.  so i returned to the gym today.  i decided to make some minor changes to my program.  My elbows were starting to give me some grief, so i decided that i probably shouldn't do upper body work three days in a row, even if the middle day is shoulders and the other two are chest/back.  so, i decided to make monday exclusively shoulders/arms, and thursday exclusively legs, whereas i had been doing legs/shoulders on thursday, and incorporating some back/chest along with arms/shoulders on monday.  so, tonight i did 5 sets each of:

Military press 85lb
Upright rows 85lb
laterals 15lb
seated front raises 15lb
triceps press 75lb
DB overhead triceps 25lb
Hammer curls 30lb
BB biceps curls 60lb

all with goal reps of 8

I didn't feel as strong as last week, but well, i've been sick.  i did get a pretty good pump going, and that felt good.

i weighed in at 167, lost a half inch from my arms and from my chest, and somehow gained a quarter inch on my calves.  wtf.  i walk too much.  
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