Apr 28, 2005 06:17
I took my first step down the hippie trail, and got acupuncture yesterday. My neck/back have been hurting all week, woke up like this Sunday and had no idea what I did. Saw the chiropractor Monday, and Wednesday was hurting again. Decided to see him again, and consult with the acupuncturist in his office. So here's what happened yesterday:
Laid on the heating pad, got chiropractic adjustment
Had a combination of ultrasound/electricity applied to my back
Had needles stuck in my hand
Had needles stuck all over my back
Had needles stuck in my ankles
Had electricity hooked up to the needles in my back for 15 mins
All needles were removed, then we started on the "cupping" process.
This involves taking a glass cup, inverting it on my back after a burning cotton ball is placed in it to suck out all the oxygen and create a vacuum. I have big round hickeys all over my back.
The interesting thing is, getting off the table when all the needles and cups were removed, I was feeling REALLY spacey. And I don't hurt as much today as I did yesterday. Though my lower back went into spasms and was hurting for a while, it eventually calmed down. I'm supposed to get poked again tomorrow, and I think I'm actually looking forward to it.
Some people may not know that I'm sometimes known as "Fabulously Gay Alan" on the 100.5 morning show. Naturally, I had to email them this post :)