Feb 12, 2012 22:14
People fall into this trap way to often. They hate a particular person for one or several bad qualities and vow never to be that person. You have Chris Brown saying that he will never be like his father, beating up his mother when for whatever reason. Next thing you hear in the news, he beats up Rihanna for her trying to check his phone. He later said in an interview that he will never do it again, it is yet to be seen. For something more local, you have our current president, saying he will never be a dictator or a corrupt official. Now,we see him bribing the senators to take his side or telling the people not to follow the Supreme Court and follow him because he is the president. Does not seem like the yellow path is not as straight as people thought it to be.
Two things comes to mind when we here stories like this. It could be that the person is so consumed of not following the footsteps of his "idol" that he unknowingly becomes it. We do what our mind tells us to do and if our mind is full of ideas of what our "idol" had done, we will eventually do them. We secretly implant the ideas on our heads not knowing that we will practice them eventually. Secondly, people focus so much on their ideal self that they forget the present self. It is nice to have a picture of our ideal self, a goal of what we want to or not to become in the future. However, the actions of today, not tomorrow, define who we will be. My father said something about the future and he said that the future essentially does not exist. It is a concept created in our minds but in reality it does not exist. This may be true and that tomorrow would eventually come but as long as it has not yet arrived, it should not matter. What matters is now and people who fail to realize that often become the people they hate.
Eventually we will never know what type of person we will become in the future. One thing to keep in mind though is to be true to oneself. Usually, if you stick to that then whoever you will eventually be is just really your true self and not someone you are trying to imitate or avoid at all.