I think I need a laptop...

Sep 07, 2009 22:47

I think it's the only way I'm going to keep up with LJ. When I sit at my aging desktop, I think of email that needs reading, files that need attention and a dozen other things to do.

But with a clean, uncluttered laptop in hand, I start wondering what people are writing in their journals and go have a look.

Sadly, my own laptop (PowerBook G4) just doesn't cut it anymore. If it's old enough to attend primary school, it's TOO OLD.

And then there's the electric shocks that issue forth from the exposed parts of the casing...

tappity, tap tap tap
tappity tap tap

So not a good contender for offloading to charity either...

Quote of the Moment:
Lister: Any problems?
Kryten: Well, just one or two. In fact I've compiled a little list if you'll indulge me. Now then, uh, my optical system doesn't appear to have a zoom function.
Lister: No, human eyes don't have a zoom.
Kryten: Well then, how do you bring a small object into sharp focus?
Lister: Well, you just... move your head closer to the object.
Kryten: I see. Move your head ... closer, hmm, to the object. All right, okay. Well, what about other optical effects, like split screen, slow motion, Quantel(tm)?
Lister: Noo... We don't have them.
-- Red Dwarf IV: D.N.A.
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