★ Profile [ooc]

May 28, 2010 21:14

Whenever we leave the ground
And take to the sky
I'll smile as I'm gazing down
'Cause I've always wondered why we won't need feathers to fly.

Played By: Kia
Livejournal: starswing
Email: collies12_05@yahoo.com
Messenger(s): AIM - offered wing


Arcana: Star
Time Period: 2012

Name: Amalia (“Ama” to her friends and family) Escobar
Gender: Female
Blood Type: B
Birthday/Sign: July 26/Leo
Age: 15
Occupation/Grade: Sophomore
Room: 303 [Roommate: Emmeline Haywood]

PB: Asuka Hirayama from Kingyo Sou
Appearance: Once ridiculously short and wild from an equally wild childhood (or so she claims), Amalia's black hair has finally started to grow out into a slightly more feminine style, long enough for her to put it up in a short ponytail if she feels that it's getting in her way. A romantic would call attention to her long eyelashes and large brown eyes, but Amalia holds no interest in romantics except for the hilarity factor and eyes are eyes so long as they work, so there goes that. In her opinion, the longer the lash, the more likely one of them is to get stuck in your eye and the only good thing about big eyes is to pull off the Kicked Puppy Act when necessary. She's of Hispanic origin, meaning her skin's a little bit darker than the average Caucasian (think year-round tan), and she has the dark features to go with that. She's more the type to get called “cute”, rather than “pretty” or “beautiful, but prefers to draw attention in other ways besides her face. She's of average height (around 5'4'') and leans more on the “stick” side of slender, so don't look for curves on this girl, because they are minimal at best.

She doesn't mess with her uniform too much, except to wear those colorful bands on her wrists that you get when you donate to certain groups for cancer and the like. She also has an affinity for things worn around the neck, like ribbons or chokers or mufflers. If it's summer, she's all over polo shirts, pffft, forget blouses. When out of the uniform, she is a jeans and shorts kind of girl, and so long as the shirt doesn't have holes in it, anything's fine.

Personality: Smart daredevil, in a nutshell. Amalia is always, always, always willing to take any sort of dare or challenge, unless it's fairly obvious that there's no way to succeed-- which is where the smart part pops its head up. Her original hairstyle came about because of a bet that no girl would hack off her hair, and voila, she borrowed someone's scissors and went at it with gusto. She doesn't bluff, so when anyone does try to call it, she responds immediately to the challenge. Most of her injuries over the course of her life have been through pulling stunts that have broken/fractured bones, twisted and tore ligaments, etc.

Having grown up in a family where more siblings meant more squabbling, Amalia learned at an early age that things weren't handed to you on a silver platter-- unless you were rich or manipulative, anyway. She fought for the remote control, fought to keep her favorite stuffed snake out of the clutches of her sister and her plans for frilly tea parties, fought with a kid three years older than her for pushing her on the playground, fought the bullies, etc. She believes in fighting for the important things, whether it's a physical fight or just maintaining a competitive nature in academics and sports and what have you. Because of that, she can be a bit of a sore loser at times, but always snaps out of it in the end and is willing to compliment people on a job well done. Of course, “in the end” is relative, and it could be anywhere from a few minutes to a few days before she stops grumbling.

As mentioned previously, Amalia is smart, and actually takes an interest in her studies-- unless the weather's good, and then she takes an interest in them after the sun's gone down. She possesses an easily-triggered temper with everyone except little kids (due to the fact that she's an aunt to nine of them), likes birds and reptiles a lot more than she likes cute things like bunnies and hamsters (though the family has a weird greyhound/chihuahua mix), loathes the American Girl series after she realized her middle name came from her mother's love of Josefina, and isn't afraid to say whether she likes you or thinks you're stupid. She's fascinated with cultural traditions, and will probably hound people for information if it comes to that, but don't mention Mexican food; she has a horrid shortcoming with enchiladas and has yet to make a successful batch, which is rather depressing.

She also deliberately lapses into Spanish when she's being ornery and just wants to annoy whoever she's talking about, or if she's so angry, there's no word in the English language that could possibly express her HNGH. At heart, she's friendly and open-minded enough, willing to be the first one to extend the hand of friendship (or the fistbump, whatever works), but once you get on her bad side, it's going to take a hell of a lot to get yourself off of it.

History: Ama comes from a large family, consisting of her grandfather, her parents, five siblings (she's the fourth oldest), three in-laws, nine nephews and nieces, and a dog. Her grandparents immigrated from Mexico, and the entire family was raised under those cultural influences, from the food to the holidays and traditions. Thankfully, all of the aforementioned people don't live under the same roof, but they occupy the same neighborhood, which means Ama was often called upon to help babysit or assist with preparations for family get-togethers. Growing up, only her two older sisters went to Adessi Hall, though her brother attended a different school and worked his way through college. Ama's parents had high-school educations, but both forewent college in favor of working and saving up money to take care of the large family they dreamed of having, and the money went to their kids' education. It still wasn't a whole lot, but they managed to get all of their children enrolled in school.

Recognizing this (and a little worried that she'd end up being stuck as a babysitter instead of getting out in the world), Ama worked feverishly in school, and applied for Adessi Hall on the terms of a scholarship. Chances were slim that she'd make it, and the family had their doubts, but through her studies and her academic success (and a whole bunch of praying to the spirits of the dead which supposedly worked), Ama was accepted as one of the few scholarship students and immediately set about proving that she didn't want to be pitied for not being quite like the other students. Her only regret was that her grandmother, a constant support in her life, suffered a stroke and passed away a few months before she entered the school. Ama still talks to her-- or to the little worry doll she was given as a child-- before she goes to sleep (or at least when her roommate's already passed out).

Weapon: Lacrosse stick
Stats: Agility, Strength, Luck, Vitality, Magic
Persona: Huitzilopochtli (Tepeyollotl)
Strength: Wind
Weakness: Electricity
Primary Skillset: Wind (Force)
Secondary Skillset: Slash physical

Other: … Given the weapon, I'd say she's on the Lacrosse Team IF THEY HAVE ONE.

ooc, profile

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