Wow...I was searching through all of my old LJ entries. I was really ridiculous in my early high school years...and bored. Slightly depressed and completely emo!
I found this one entry where I wrote out an "Boy Friend" application. Apparently one of my guy friends wrote one out for girls to fill out and I copied and changed it around a bit. It made me laugh to see how many replies I recieved...I think I finally figured out who the 'anonymus' one was. Made me smile...but this one really made my day:
Katie’s Boyfriend Application
Name: Alec Haroutiune Koumjian
D.O.B.: 01/19/86
Birthplace: Cambridge, MA
Current Residence: Nashua, NH
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
~~Physical CRAP~~
Height: 5'11"?
Hair Length: moptop
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Questionnaire: (Y/N)
Do you like fantasy novels(LOTR)? Is the Silmarillion Christopher Tolkien's first largely known composite of his father's unpublished works?
Do you speak German(I don't know-lol)? Du Hast? No, not really.
Do you listen to "good music" (Matchbox 20, Craig's Brother, Bouncing Souls, Queen, Barenaked Ladies, ect.)? I listen to some Matchbox 20, Bouncing Souls and Barenaked Ladies. I can't understand anyone NOT listening to Queen. More of my music leans towards Offspring, Linkin Park, and Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Are you artistic? Sometimes, I'm not an art student though
Do you write? Quite frequently in my piles of random notebooks.
Do you think a beat up truck is manly? I think it can be sexy.
Does snow make you sad? Sometimes
Do you like the rain? I love the rain
Thunderstorms? I think my favorite memories as a young child are of thunderstorms.
Do you like dogs? I love many many animals
Do you like Cats? "--"
Do you smoke? I smoked a cigar when I turned eighteen. Other than that not really.
Do you drink? Yes, occasionally.
Do you cuddle? Of course
Do you like Mushy love songs? I've been known to blast Billy Joel
How about Mexican food? Quite a bit
Do you like to cook? When I feel inspired. I don't intend to make homemade pasta again though, I don't have the patience to think it out with a rolling pin.
Movie: Really tough question. Favorites that come to mind include Donnie Darko (stupid Indie kids took my movie from me), The Matrix Trilogy, Office Space, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Book: ::choke:: You want me to pick a -favorite-? Well, the most nostalgic for me is My Side of the Mountain
TV Show: Cowboy Bebop ::drool::
Food: Fettucini Alfredo (sp?_
Disney Theme Park Ride: Typhoon Lagoon. It wasn't really a disney ride but I loved those giant waves.
Country: Wales, it's so beautiful.
(I hope you read the stuff in the link b/c I'm going to talk about it now.)
Between then and now, I have changed so much, and for once I could see it...I could see the changes. And as I was reading all the 'applicants', Alec was the only one that came close. (Of course he's a Capricorn and, am I. So in my eyes, it probably wouldn't work out. ^_^ ) At the time he wrote this, he was 5' 11"...Alexis knows the whole story about me and boys being 5' 11"---he's probably gained a few inches between then and now, but...just humor me for a few moments. I dig the hair...and the color of it. The eyes...::swoon::... He 'tried' at the German language...made me chuckle. I wrote examples of bands and used Barenaked Ladies and Matchbox 20...and as much as I still enjoy their music, I've grown to LOVE Linkin Park...and I've always liked Queen. Of course now I listen to a lot of Green Day, All-American Rejects, Off-Kilters, Jimmy Eat World, etc. The truck bit made me grin...I think I may have laughed at the comment as well. Knowing me, I probably did. I thought that was cute. He (at the time) loved the rain...sweet. And thunderstorms...::swoon:: Food: Fetteccini Alfrado---still my favorite food... and I'm obsessed with Italy, Wales, Scotland, and Australia...I never really thought about Wales until a few years ago...I don't know what struck me to check into the country, but it's a place I'd die to visit!
But people change. I stopped talking to Alec a long time ago and I'm kind of regretting it. I'm not sure why we stopped talking. Maybe I bothered/annoyed him or something. Maybe we ran out of things to talk about. I don't know...but I wonder if he's still into the things that he wrote in that application. ::sigh:: Oh well. I just felt like writing about's just something that struck my attention. I'm off for now. I think I'm going to post this entry in my Greatest Journal...I'll probably leave out his last name...I only kept it here b/c it's already on this ::weak smile:: I'm off for now...
Peace, Love, & Old Entries