
May 28, 2011 21:40

So I got called in to work the night shift last evening. I have not worked this late since last year, and I am definitely glad about that. There isn't as much going on at night  here, so it's not as interesting. Plus it's dark when I'm off work, and all I have left to do is go home. I was so used to this when I had school during the day, but not anymore; weird how that changes, eh? XD

And this morning I checked out this giant garage sale we have in town every year. I was looking for a few books and video games; I found a handful of the former, but none of the latter. Twas probably because I was a little late going to it, starting out about three hours after it started.  There were a heck of a lot of people there, so much that I could hardly move. I don't know how the people with actual cars could manage to handle it. I heard stories of people leaving baby-strollers in the street because they just assumed that no cars would be going by. Seriously? o.o


I'm rereading my French grammar book, trying to memorize as much as I can, with about 100 pages left to go. I realized one common mistake I've been making: using pour all the time while neglecting pendant and depuis. I went through several things I've written and fixed it, and I won't be making the mistake again. Or at least I hope I won't. XD

I've been hearing a lot about this baby Storm, whose parents refuse to tell the world what his/her sex is. Personally I think it's a bad idea, though implemented with good intentions. Nobody should be forced to live as something they're not, however, with this unique treatment Storm is getting, how is s/he supposed to figure out what s/he is? I do think this is something people need to think about early in life, but I think 4 months is a tad too early.


Tis almost June, and here I was watching the Supernatural Christmas episode. It was hilarious in a creepy kind of way, which just made it more awesome in my book. I rofl'd when Sam opened his present, got a puzzled expression on his face, and said "Sapphire Barbie?" Hahahaha

I'm tempted to buy Ocarina of Time 3DS, but I have the N64 and Master Quest versions already, and I don't see many major differences beyond the whole 3D thing. I've never beat OoT 100% before, so that's what I want to do now. I think I'll just do it on my GameCube version instead though. ^_^

Listening to Nancy Ajram right now, particularly ياي سحر عيونو ('Yay Sehr Ouyounoo,' which I believe means 'Yay Magical Eyes'). I love a lot of her music, but I can't understand any of it without a translator. In time...

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And now it's time to watch the continuation of last week's Doctor Who cliffhanger! I can't wait to see what happens next! =3

EDIT: Noooooo, it's not on until next week! And I only find out at the last minute, XD. Well I guess I'll be watching Supernatural instead now.
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