May 06, 2004 22:20
so we tied the lumen game tonight after double overtime damn it. I can't complain much I think it was my personal best game this season. and I got a good amount of playing time so I'm pretty happy.
New goal for me: stop focusing on the negative be more grateful I am one lucky girl. I need to be more positive and definitely tougher.
So I am on the prom ballot for princess. i was quite stunned. or shall I say pleasantly suprised. didn't expect it at all I don't really think I'll win and its not a big deal to me cause all the girls one there I love and are my good friends ( Moe Melissa K and Gretch) the worst part is I don't even have a dress or anything of as of right now. I am becoming a chronic procrastinator. Goal #2 stop procrastinating!
thats all folks hopefully I can stick to my goals haha o and thank goodness no practice tomorrow