Apr 23, 2010 23:07
I've forgiven myself for not getting out on the bike yesterday, as the threatened turn in the weather didn't arrive very decisively, so I went off down the Lee Valley Road. Stop off at the Regional Park for a drink, a banana, and as it turned out to throw a very canine-saliva-soaked tennis ball for a dog that was very keen I humour it in this regard. Then Woods Road, over the main road to the Killumney road, and past Aherla to Cloughduv. Not a lot of heat in that sun by the time I'd turned round. Shorter route back, but definitely not any quicker. Had just about enough energy to slough off the short distance off course to Tesco for some bits and bobs. According to computermabob, about 30km out, and slightly over 21km back, and it reports a total of 1400 calories. As it knows nought of gradients, among other things, I'm taking that with a large pinch of salt.
lee valley