Jun 14, 2009 01:12
I toyed with going to see a local band called Altruism this evening, who were doing an EP launch. Ended up not going on the basis of a) large amounts of lethargy (partial excuse of being a little heavy-legged after yesterday's admittedly modest exertions, but mainly just natural-born laziness), and b) after listening to their myspace page, decided that while they sounded somewhat interesting instrumentally, they'd painted themselves into too much of a hardcore/death metal corner vocally for my tastes. And even moreso for Designated Gig Buddy's (hi, DGB!), if I'm any judge. Must be a sign of the alleged summer that I'm looking for any excuse for some live music.
Hrm, Indie-Pendence Festival in Mitchellstown. There's an idea to conjure with... Why does a two-day fest have three billed headliners, though? (Rockness pulled a similar stunt, announcing The Mighty Biff as headliners, then it later transpiring they were going on before some bunch called Place-bo.)