(no subject)

Dec 20, 2015 23:10

Well good news in the on going saga I think everyone is tired of, but every victory should be noted. I figured, better safe than sorry and make sure that problem coworker is talking out his butt, I asked my manager (and fuck I hated asking him because he should be having these problems; I hate that he gets put in the middle of this) if I'm doing what I should be doing, work wise.

I'm doing good. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to.

Fucking Victory. I fucking win.

It won't stop the anxiety attacks, but it will make them easier to get under control.

*happily breaths deep*

Tonight we bought the last of the Christmas food and--because two coworkers gave me money to get donation stuff because they think I work at the soup kitchen (do I give off that vibe??) so I know what they need (I do, but because I called them)--picked up the last of the items to donate. Yayness. Tomorrow sibling and I will do a super cleaning to prep for Yule!

Saturday was busy busy. Friend Mum decided she did want to go, but her back was hurting so in the interest of not having her sit too long in the car which can be bad for back pain, I went to get other things before the movie. Got the items I wanted to get for the donation and got the last present for the best friend and got the bunny's present plus new treats for the bunny.

Then movie and OMG I'VE RETURNED TO THE STAR WARS FANDOM. That is all on that. (Fic will follow soonish.)

Then Walmart because Friend Mum needed to pick up a gift and she got us a Trans Siberian Orchestra cd that we lost ages back. I picked up a pet bed for the cat ($4 less than work so) and a new egg pan (our old one was teflon and it had a scratch so). Then groceries at the food-coop and home to clean the bunny's cage and the cat's litter box and figure out the last of the groceries for the coming week (with both Yule and Christmas needing special food, one does need to plan well).

Busy busy.

Might call out tomorrow. On the pretense of needing more time to prep house for Yule if asked and also to not have to take 5 hours out of Yule/Christmas week for work that could be a bad shift.

Might also take Christmas Eve off >.>

But I need a vacation and calling out sick means I get paid (because paid vacation? Nope. But I'll play the game.) and it'd be nice to have a nice long week to do nothing but write and eat good food (I have so much excellent food planned, even for days when I'm not having a big meal) and put together the puzzle I got for an advent gift and have lots of tea.

Thinky thinky.

Fic! lomonaaeren post part 2 of my gift-fic!!! Oh, it's warm and fluffy and I want to live in the 'verse forever. Read here.

I'm planning 6 bonus fics for after December 25th. Why? Because, well, I've got a fic brewing for CA: CW and I've got one brewing for Star Wars (whoops, sliding back into the fandom and actually participating instead of lurking not that one had much of a choice in the early days of the internet and not knowing what fandom was) and I've got a gift fic still to write for someone in a wish list community.

So expect more fic after the 25th...


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